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Traditional Holistic Healing.
The real beauty of Direction Technique Heat Energy Healing is once you learn how to harness the power of heat the ancient traditional medicinal way and direct it with focused intentions you enhance the power of reiki. This powerful healing technique gets to places in the body, that are difficult to access, your ability to self heal, teaches you, you can practice anywhere, anytime.

 Simply doing the practice, consistently, one day at a time, is all that’s needed to deepen and cleanse your energy the ancient traditional way — with real benefits for your body, mind and spirit.

 If you’re curious about Ancient Traditional Heat healing and want to discover more or deepen your current Direction Technique practice, be sure to join Direction Technique Founder & Teacher Katrina Jean Taylor for
3 Keys to Deepen Your Heat Healing using the  Direction Technique Practice

You can RSVP for this complimentary virtual event here:

 While directed heat healing may appear to be merely a sequence of hand placements, it actually works on a very deep level — targeting areas of the body for deep healing

Direction Technique focused powerful ancient heat healing directs heat through the palm, then fingers, allows you to naturally release anxiety, fear, emotional trauma and other imbalances underlying health issues.

 And because of Direction Technique balancing effects, the practice brings profound spiritual benefits as well… So listen in this Thursday to discover more from one of the world’s traditional healer. Katrina Jean Taylor is also the leading pioneer in integrating Direction Technique practice to support Western medical therapies.