What special intuitive abilities do you have? Continue the learnings for a month to remind yourself it is simple to keep creating sacred spaces. Heal feeling nervous, anxious, unsettled, and shamed. Learn spiritual boundaries' power.
Connect to the spirit world and use this knowledge to live a full life everyday.
Is there a place you feel rested, say a garden, a room, an environment? Teleport to a space you love and feel peace to heal.
Connect to your own unique sacred space such as angels, sound healing, colours, crystals, power animals or ancestors. Gain knowledge to rejuvenate and create energy. Bring the feelings of peace back with you into everyday life.
Katrina has access to ancient traditional healers and will bring forth these energies to help you make clear decisions, rest and be wise.
Tap into Sacred Spaces booklet helps you develop everyday strategies to relieve stress by tapping into Sacred Spaces often. Change habits that no longer work for you. Tap into Sacred Spaces mini-workshop gives people the chance to learn the Direction Technique. This package provides assistance to keep recording, growing and realising your true potential to create sacred spaces in your life. Continue the learnings for a month to remind yourself it is simple to keep creating sacred spaces. Heal feels nervous, anxious, unsettled, and shamed. Learn spiritual boundaries' power. Change western thinking of the word shame and learn the meaning of shame used in indigenous cultures.
Clean and have intentions to clean your lungs, and be aware how the Direction of heat therapy. Let go move on from tired energy. To do this, you need to visit a sacred space more often.
Connect to a sacred space to give your life a purpose of integrity and love
Tap into Sacre Space manual
Worksheets to continue healings in your home
Sacred Journey Audio
This package is copyright and cannot be shared. Tap into Sacred Spaces mini-workshop gives people the chance to learn the Direction Technique. This package provides assistance to keep recording, growing and realising your true potential to create sacred spaces in your life. Continue the learnings for a month to remind yourself it is simple to keep creating sacred spaces. Heal feeling nervous, anxious, unsettled, and shamed. Learn spiritual boundaries' power. Change western thinking of the word shame and learn the meaning of shame used in indigenous cultures.
This package is copyright and cannot be shared.
Learn skills to protect yourself and move forward with simple techniques to support your intuitive listening abilities. Gain knowledge and use energy to project your future knowledge using the Direction Technique(TM) Energy Healing Technique.
This unique group healing is available to listen to on my website. Register for the Direction Technique(TM) visualisation healing. Understand these healing modalities are not substitutes for medical or diagnostic treatment.
By registering, you understand the session is recorded and available if missed live—the group healing conference is designed to deepen and give wisdom for personal healing. Deepen and expand intuitive training. All recordings will have a private password.