Pre-requisite Cleanse & Feel Free the Shamanic Way Basic Level 1
Basic: Shamanism Level 2
Shamanic Healing with Light & Energy. A Practical Guide to Freedom
This course will further your knowledge of how the ancient traditional ways use the elements fire, water, air and earth to cleanse energy. You have found powerful ways to manifest energy and bring positive energy into your daily life.
After attending the Basic level 1 course, you have connected to realms of light and realise there are new ways to feel nurtured and supported on many levels. The shamans have access to holographic multidimensional spaces in time.
By training your intuitive senses, you live without doubt, have protection, learn to listen to your inner voice for guidance, understand your life purpose, and trust you have the inner power to be who you are.
In my first book, "Focus for Direction - How to Self Heal and Find Your Own Answers", I have introduced the term, "universal library". We all have stories, thoughts, clusters of energy and it is like a library, a catalogue of events. You and the light energies, which are particles of light, similar to gravitational waves, can join in harmony and help each other bring new knowledge to help mankind and yourself to find stability, and heal our planet. Knowledge is power, and with this ancient and new knowledge we can adapt.
Have inner faith and feel the nurturing of the TWO INTUIT ELDERS by using the “Three quick Breaths”, Direction Technique. You will feel the presence of two ancient shamans that will nurture you in their realm of transfer negative energy, blocked energy, or diseases. The earth is rapidly changing, and we can adapt with changes and evolve.
The shamans understand how to have access these realms of light and want you to be able to bring these ancient gifts not your life, help you evolve, find stability and bring sacredness, peace and prosperity into you life.
These shamanic exercise helps you understand how the "three breaths" paves a direct pathway to access these ancient healing energies.
To prepare to meet energies of light, you will continue to practise how simple the three quicks breaths cleanses stuck energy in your body to join with the ancient shaman. Soon both you and the shaman will be joined in clean energy, light. Cleansing your body before you join the shaman helps both you and the shaman join in harmony.
These shamanic exercises helps understand how the three breaths, cleans and purifies your body, alongside cultivating the art of imagination to find a deep sense of peace, bring faith into your life and a new way to nurture your body, mind and soul.
After completing tis course, you will realise how important and easy it is, to change aspects in your life that don't serve you.
- Learn how to cleanse with the elements of fire, air, water and earth
- Balance your 7 glands in your body to prepare to meet your first shaman
- Learn how a 7 day ritual, alongside with specific affirmations cleanses your house, body, and work environment
- Cleanse to bring abundance into your life
- Let go of the old and bring in the new positive energy
- Learn the art of manifesting
- Bring compassion into your life
- Connect to the energy of "600 year-old Lama Shaman", using the “Three quick Breaths”, Direction Technique.
- Bring back your inner faith and feel the nurturing of the two "Intuit Elders" by using the “Three quick Breaths”, Direction Technique. You will feel the presence of two ancient shamans that will nurture you in their realm of light.
- Join the Sacred Eagle with meditation and be taken to an inner sanctury, where the shamans cleanse your body, auric field for new beginnings.
In Shamanism Level 1 course you thought of 4 things you want answers for. We will clarify your intentions and realise this deep knowledge , and after training your intuitive senses, you will ask more questions to the shamans to help you.