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Animal Communication & Healing Course

Animal Communication & Healing Workshop
from $50.00

Witnessing a Miracle.

My twelve year old pomeranium dog passed over by drowning last Monday and decided to come back to me. I have taught the animal course for over 7 years and for some reason did not run this course this year. This miracle has made me realise how important soul work is and how miracles are true.

Thank you Sousla for fighting to live. I want to share how to heal animals and allow more practitioners help people communicate and  heal animals

 I will let you know soon what happened to Soulsa soon. It's been a rather emotional week! Soulsa your alive

Animal Communication & Healing Course

I believe animals are here to teach us soul work. I believe animals are here to recognise our soul. I  believe we can feel free and bring peace to the planet, humans and all species. 

The unique difference with spending time training your own intuitive senses gives you the ability to hear the messages from the animals that are different for each individual. If you understand to let go and trust, then you will be gifted the ability to hear and heal animals.


To be shown the  process of reincarnation is a gift. If you understand that humans and animals have free will, then you destiny is to protect, love and look after the animal soul.. Soul work is a gift. I honour you for choosing to learn how to heal yourself and animals. We will be shown gifts of with very ancient abilities of healings.


To clarify the difference between an animal and human using the Direction Technique is important. Animals do not speak the human language; therefore the messages the human receives can be interpreted, as the human wants to hear it. therefore it is important to affiliate and trust your own inner wisdom and messages from these animals. Each and every sign given to us is a gift and animals come to you in your life because both you and the animal have made that choice.

I have witnessed diseases in animals heal by using heat being transferred by hands.  This relieves pain, calms nerves and settle the animal. There is a critical time to know when and how to take out the sickness of either the animal or human. Learning the ancient traditional ways of healing shows you how to shake off the diseases from your body.

Animals have an ancient language and to know how to communicate with these languages brings you great joy. The Direction Technique allows you to heal animals using ancient hands on heat healings and understand soul destiny.

This workshop will enhance your knowledge in:

  • Learn to communicate with dogs, cats, horses, birds, eagles, wolves

  • Animal messenges
  • Animals are part of human consciousness of love
  • Animal shamanism
  • Learn how animals can take on the owners diseases to heal them

  • Direct hands on heat healing, Reikki, for a sick animal

  • Discern the difference between the animal healing you or you healing them

  • Be your own animal whisperer, communicate with an animal that has passed over

  • Find your own power animal

  • Use your eyes to heal an animal

  • Protect your soul through your eyes

  • Gain deep knowledge about "reincarnation"

  • Meet the eyes of domestic and wild animals

  • Wake up your natural instincts and those of the instincts of animals

  • Look into the window of the soul through eyes of elephant, horse, eagle, cat & dog

  • Discover how you can use the Direction Technique to heal the animal and human

  • Learn to trust what you hear to protect, heal and calm your animal

  • Dedicated time will be allocated for a demonstration of an animal healing from Katrina Jean Taylor

  • Dedicated time will be allocated to dogs, cats, horses, eagles, birds and tigers to learn the foundations of the Direction Technique Animal communication & Healing. This unique knowledge can then be transferred to any animal

Once you are blessed with the wisdom of the instinct of knowing, then you will understand and honour reincarnation

There is hope with respect to planetary healing. Animals and humans already co-exist and people have a strong connection to certain creatures, sometimes referred to as their animal totems. I feel affiliated with the eagle, which with its extraordinary vision sees all. The eagle evolves with intuition to survive. One day an eagle took me to a place in Antarctica where many hundreds of whales had congregated. I heard a new sound, a mixture of tones, and was told, “We [the whales] must create a new tone with which to communicate, in order to survive destruction by humans.” I was also told that they would “… separate immediately, as it is too dangerous for us all to be together in this place.” Whales and dolphins communicate telepathically and through sound vibrations, which is one reason why disabled children benefit from being placed with dolphins as therapy.  


We want to discover why you or the animal makes the choice to connect

Now explore the concept of reincarnation

How to use the Direction Technique™ to heal animals

To clarify the difference between an animal and human using the Direction technique™ is important. The animals do not speak the human language; therefore the messages the human receives can be interpreted, as the human wants to hear it. Therefore we need to be accountable when we communicate with the animals. Therefore we use the Direction Technique™ process with the owner of the animal: Note you are really healing the animal through the human. Learn to stop and when to take out the sickness of either the animal or human. You must learn how to shake off the diseases from your body. Then use hands on healing where you are guided to place them. Write no words. Once you are blessed with the wisdom of the instincts knowing, then you may understand the ancient language of the animals. By viewing this demonstration you will clarify if the animal needed healing or the human

I hope you have gained knowledge in understanding how to communicate with animals on many levels and different ways. Please honour your own wisdom in learning about the web of life.

I am honoured to learn how to teleport with respect, gratitude and use love at all times, when I do my soul work.
Being held by an animal or an animal chooses to heal you will help you feel deep love

We need to be accountable when we communicate with the animals and what we say to the human. Therefore we use the Direction technique™ process with the owner of the animal: Note you are really healing the animal through the human. Learn to stop and when to take out the sickness of either the animal or human. You must learn how to shake off the diseases from your body. Then use hands on healing where you are guided to place them. Write no words. Once you are blessed with the wisdom of the instinct of knowing, then you may understand the ancient language of the animals. 

Extract from Focus For Direction- How to self heal and Find Your Own Answers
by Katrina Jean Taylor

"Learning with Dolphins

Direction Technique Dolphin Energy Healing makes people happy and calms the nervous system, and is an effective way to let go of stress and learn.

The benefits of Dolphin Energy Healing using the Direction Technique is it improves communication, encourages healthy relationships, relieves tension, encourages a positive self-esteem, improves co- ordination, increases attention span, improves learning difficulties, calms endocrine disorders and most of all helps people be happy.

I have encouraged parents of autistic children to communicate with dolphins and witnessed remarkable improvements in how they communicate in the world." 

"Case Study: Cat Healing

I witnessed a healing on a client’s stomach. Her cat always sits on her stomach during the healings. Two weeks later, the same client asked me to heal her cat. I can do this from anywhere is the world because I use the skills of teleportation. I remote viewed the cat and felt the cat had lost energy, had a slight virus, the lining of his stomach needed healing, as well as I balanced the acid in the stomach. I received the word ‘digestive problems’ and ‘swelling’. I witnessed a healing to reduce swelling in his lymphatic system. I prayed for her cat and hoped he would respond to the healing and gain energy"

Earlier Event: 7 June
Simple Ways to Feel Free