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Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation helps find inner guidance. By rewiring your brainwaves, to reduce stress and stop the habit of obsessive over thinking. This workshop will help you change the habit of overthinking. Included is a mediation that retrains the brain waves, calms the nervous system and helps you let go of worries, stress and any specific problem you may be facing now.

Benefits of Meditation

  • Instant deep meditation reduces stress by claiming the nervous system
  • Enhances brainwave patterns for mental, physical and mental health
  • Works to synchronise the left and right side of the brain which results in whole brain thinking
  • Less anger, stress, addiction, depression, panic attacks and unnecessary worry
  • More happy and positive your mindset becomes
  • Faster healing
  • Have more energy
  • Pain management 
  • Management of chronic illness 
  • Lowering of high blood pressure 
  • Relief from insomnia 
  • Manifesting life changes 
  • Emotional and physical balance

Katrina developed, introduced and  presented whole brain thinking programs across whole school curricula.. Your brain has two hemispheres, left & right:

Left hemisphere thinking: Refers to being linear, logical, practical, mathematical, analytical, scientific, and time-oriented. 

Right hemisphere thinking: Refers to non-linear, intuitive, abstract, and being creative.

Whole brain thinking heightens the intuitive mind.  You become more awakened and focussed. Integrating both left and right brain increases mental health, positive thinking patterns and lessons anxiety.

Katrina has developed a unique focussed mediation, which ultimately helps activate the body's 7 glands. Stimulating positive intentions into specific glands in our body, calms the nervous system, activates energy and aids the cells in all of the body to efficiently  function.

Katrina guided meditation helps the person look within their own body, specifically the endocrine system. Her ability to direct and guide the individual to find peace, 

These meditations use sound healing of the crystal bowls and also dolphin and whale sounds to harmonise healing within the body.







Date: Wed Feb 5th, 2019
Presenter: Katrina Jean Taylor
Time: 7-9pm an also be viewed live