
Discover knowledge about shamanism to help you from being a victim and repeating continual cycles of disempowerment. Develop strategies to change perspectives, remove stuck energy, be one step ahead of viruses, find mental stability, and relieve physical and psychological exhaustion.

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In ancient times, energy workers known as medicine men or women used rituals, tools and wisdom to provide guidance and healing for tribes. The Power of Shamanic Energy Healing is an ancient method of healing. Shamans dedicate their lives to helping others. Shamans can remove stuck energy, restore the disorder of energy fields around and within the body, and transfer dense energy, resulting in supporting physical, spiritual and emotional needs. This course is about awakening your intuitive senses to find the true power within. Discover knowledge about shamanism to help you from being a victim and repeating continual cycles of disempowerment.

Feel safe listening to your powerful inner voice. Develop strategies to change perspectives, remove stuck energy, be one step ahead of viruses, find mental stability, and relieve physical and psychological exhaustion.

One of the real benefits of this work is that we are accessing ancient traditional medicine that has been honoured and respected for centuries. Clear out the negative and welcome in the new positive energy.

You can RSVP for this sacred private one-on-one course by registering here: Payment plans available - email


  • Find inner strength and wisdom to use this knowledge in your everyday life

  • Learn how to focus and access ancient traditional healing methods

  • Shift blocked energy

  • Alleviate pain

  • Bring balance into your life as well as your body.

  • Utilize shamanic tools to balance the endocrine system, glands, hormones, nervous, structural, skeletal systems, reduce anxiety, heal injuries, diseased bodies, and so much more.

  • Discover a deep understanding of who you are and use the gifts you were born with but may have forgotten

  • Tap into your soul’s life’s purpose

  • Develop psychic abilities .

  • Connect with your soul and master shamanic journeys

  • Reading Auras

  • Protect and cleanse auric fields

  • Cleanse with the four elements, air, wind, fire, earth

  • Ancient Inca healing

  • Rid negative energy and thinking

  • Focussed Heat therapy

  • Shamanic journeys

  • Connect with Mongolian Shamanic Practices for Focussed Heat Therapy

  • Connect to your power animal

  • Connect to two inuit elders for nurturing and support.

  • Access ways to protect your psychi

  • Call your own shaman for protection in the modern world

  • Clear clutter and learn the power of intentions

  • Connect with 600 year-old Shaman to learn self compassion and for others (Empathy skills)

  • Connect with Native American Indian for courage

  • Connect with Egyptian knowledge

  • Clean your house of clutter with smoke, rock, incense and powerful intentions

  • Cleanse your home of spirits

  • Cleansing with crystals

  • Knowledge of energy forms - Remove heavy energy

  • Remove energy that is not yours

  • Understand spirit forms

  • Be your own shaman

  • Bring stability into your life

  • Soul retrieval

  • Dream analysis

  • Believe in yourself and more!!!!!!!


  • Six weeks

  • The program includes personalized support, energy healing, and mentoring.


  • Videos and audios, shamanic journey knowledge on website.

  • Individual Medical Intuitive Program tailored for your own individual needs and growth

  • 2 - private one 60 Shaman Energy Healing consultations with Katrina Jean Taylor

  • 4 - private 30 min personalised question and answers consultations

  • 16 - videos and audios to enhance your learning

  • Audios for shamanic journeys

  • Workbooks

  • Affirmations for moving forward

  • Specially designed for practicing and advancing your intuition & clairvoyant skills to understand energy healing and to be an accurate medical intuitive.

  • On-line and interactive training for support


The real beauty of Direction Technique Heat Energy Healing is once you learn how to harness the power of heat the ancient traditional medicinal way and direct it with focused intentions you enhance the power of reiki. This powerful healing technique gets to places in the body, that are difficult to access, your ability to self heal, teaches you, you can practice anywhere, anytime.

 Simply doing the practice, consistently, one day at a time, is all that’s needed to deepen and cleanse your energy the ancient traditional way — with real benefits for your body, mind and spirit.

 If you’re curious about Ancient Traditional Heat healing and want to discover more or deepen your current Direction Technique practice, be sure to join Direction Technique Founder & Teacher Katrina Jean Taylor for
3 Keys to Deepen Your Heat Healing using the  Direction Technique Practice

 While directed heat healing may appear to be merely a sequence of hand placements, it actually works on a very deep level — targeting areas of the body for deep healing

Direction Technique focused powerful ancient heat healing directs heat through the palm, then fingers, allows you to naturally release anxiety, fear, emotional trauma and other imbalances underlying health issues.

 And because of Direction Technique balancing effects, the practice brings profound spiritual benefits as well… So join to discover more from one of the world’s traditional healer. Katrina Jean Taylor is also the leading pioneer in integrating Direction Technique practice to support Western medical therapies. You can also choose to attend Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and medical intuitive certification workshops and enrol in Shamanism Level 2

After the course, enjoy practising the Direction Technique and intuitive medical skills on yourself to gain the confidence to utilize the breakthrough energy healing method, 'The Direction Technique". These changes will ripple through your family and genetic line. 

You will feel empowered, rewire neurones in your brain to teach yourself to heal yourself. You can be your own miracle worker in all parts of your life. Find ways to help improve illnesses, phobias, anxiety, and free yourself from any negative energy holding you back. You will be able to know what to change and make those changes immediately instead of taking years. Find strategies to take action to move forward at the right time. This course concentrates on teaching you to hear wisdom, intuitively listen with clarity and enhance more psychic abilities. Once you learn the Direction Technique, you will forever have a focused system to help you in life.

Payments Schemes Available: Non-Refundable Email:

What people are saying about Katrina Jean Taylor


The Direction Technique(TM) is a comprehensive guide to direct technique of healing. Katrina Jean Taylor unveils the secrets to understand the symptoms and signs of medical conditions of your body. This powerful handbook explores every part of the human body and offers a unique method in returning the body to its natural state of health. Katrina offers invaluable insights into underlying causes of illness and provides practical advice, which will empower many to self-heal. The wisdom of this book can guide you to the life you were truly meant to live and guides you on a journey of self-transformation and empowerment.



I want to say how grateful and thankful I am for meeting you. Before getting sick three years ago by a nasty virus and flu, I was a triathlete, surfer, surf-lifesaver and runner. After being to many doctors, naturopaths and healers, I just found nobody could help me. They would load me up with medication, vitamins and told me to rest, which only helped short term. The past three years was a real struggle for me as I was constantly sick, run down and spending thousands of dollars to find something or someone that could help. I was lucky to have found you. In January this year, I had also just started my own business in finance and needed my health to be one hundred per cent to be able to manage my workload. After only three months, I feel mentally and physically strong again, have my energy back, started going to the gym and increased my exercises. The viruses have gone and I’m not dragged down by the sickness that had kept me stuck for the past three years. My business is starting to run successfully and already I’m achieving above and beyond my targets that I had set with my sales coach. Every session that I have had with you, I walk away clearer, vibrant and energetic with clarity in both my personal and professional life. Even though it has only been 3 months, I feel like a new person. My friends and family have noticed that I have vibrancy about me and I have not had this in years. You are a very special, gifted and genuine person who shows compassion, understanding and straightaway makes people feel at ease and safe. Thank you for everything Trina.
S.C., Finance Consultant


“I found Trina and the Direction Technique after being diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI). At first I was nervous about starting a training while experiencing this health issue but it challenged my brain and helped me keep moving forward. While participating in Medical Intuitive I, II, and III many emotional issues were brought into my awareness for healing and resolution. I also noticed over time how I began to rapidly develop my intuition - I often will be able to think and act from inner knowing rather rely on the mind. The Direction Technique is a direct and thorough modality to connect with one’s own intuition and ancient healing. I have enjoyed every minute of the training time with Trina and looking forward to a fabulous future helping others heal and start new beginnings.”
Karen Emmons - Kusko
Certified Direction Technique Medical Intuitive


“Good news Trina, thyroid scan came back normal. Just proof how accurate your body scanning is as it never came up in any of our recent healings. Figure 8 in my thyroid keeping it healthy. Thank you for teaching us this”

“I'm so happy your tests came back normal. Using the medical field and the resources as well as energy healings is amazing. I've found the right people at the right time to help me with an underlying health issue alongside with healings with Trina or my own origin work has helped me immensely. Trina's dolphin and singing bowl meditations cleanse your body and auric field. I have found when I have had a tiny virus listening to the sounds of the whales and dolphins lift and energise me.”


I first met Katrina over six years ago when I was suffering from panic attacks and was in need of some healing. I then went on to learn the Direction Technique(TM) from Katrina and have now completed many of her courses. Each course has taught me a new healing skill, which has given me the ability to heal. I have come to realize the great depth of Katrina’s knowledge and skill as a healer. What I love about the Direction TechniqueTM is that it is a self -healing technique. I am so grateful to have such a valuable tool in this life and to have learnt it from such an amazing teacher. Through practicing the Direction TechniqueTM I now have a greater understanding of myself on a soul level. Katrina has helped me find confidence in myself, trust in my decision-making abilities and have clarity about my future direction. As someone who was once often fearful to leave the house, I have learnt to have fun & enjoy myself again. For this I give Katrina the biggest thank you from my heart.
Nicole Sheppard, Direction Technique(TM) Practitioner


Charlie is free from chemotherapy medicine. We hope and pray that the lesion in the eye will be dead soon without any consequences on the eyesight. We are grateful of the cleansing energy to his eyes from afar. He is now nineteen months old, weighs 11.5 kilograms, and is eighty-four centimetres tall. He is running and saying a few words already, a very happy kid, joyful in life. We are lucky that we have a doctor that really took care and that we have had the opportunity of being introduced to you during Charlie’s journey.
Irma and Family, Indonesia


I have been doing Katrina’s courses for that last four years and have become a healthier, happier person and also more psychic. I can surrender and let go easily. My friends say that I radiate positive energy. Using or sending love to heal yourself and others is the key. Thank you and love you Trina.

Vonny Jenie


For years I have been living with my judgment and resentment because of my childhood problems. I found Trina on my learning path. She helped me to notice my hidden potentials and taught me a lot of beautiful things about life and how to listen. Knowing Trina and learning from her makes me a healthier, happier and better person. I can listen to ‘Him’ better and live as he told me to. There are physical distances between Trina and I, yet that’s not an obstacle to learn from her. I use my knowledge to help my family, patients and myself. God helps me a lot through Trina. Thank you Trina. I am a believer and I believe in God. I want to learn more, so I can always improve within myself and help the world. I believe the world will change starting by me.

Rika Ermasari, Psychologist

For years I have been living with my judgment and resentment because of my childhood problems. I found Trina on my learning path. She helped me to notice my hidden potentials and taught me a lot of beautiful things about life and how to listen. Knowing Trina and learning from her makes me a healthier, happier and better person. I can listen to ‘Him’ better and live as he told me to. There are physical distances between Trina and I, yet that’s not an obstacle to learn from her. I use my knowledge to help my family, patients and myself. God helps me a lot through Trina. Thank you Trina. I am a believer and I believe in God. I want to learn more, so I can always improve within myself and help the world. I believe the world will change starting by me.

Rika Ermasari, Psychologist


Trina is a loving person, as a teacher and person. She calls me Mum. She has taught me teleportation skills.

Ratna Pranada


I would like to say a big thank you for the amazing course I attended. It was so inspiring and motivating to have someone so dedicated to enhancing people’s personal journeys in life. the knowledge I discovered about myself and the world is difficult to express in words but extremely helpful in everyday living. Katrina jean Taylor truly does help you shine in life.

About Katrina Jean Taylor

Katrina Jean Taylor is a Medical Intuitive Energy healer. She is an internationally renowned teacher, speaker, and author. The founder of the Direction Technique (TM), a breakthrough energy healing method. She is a medical intuitive who is at the forefront of energy healing for the world.

She specializes in assisting people in understanding the emotional, psychological, and physical reasons why their bodies have developed an illness. The Direction Technique™ is a valuable tool to find the origins of any problem, thereby allowing the body to heal. Direction Technique™ is a simple way to achieve success in reaching your dreams. Katrina is also an ancient traditional healer, dolphin whisperer, shaman, seer, life coach, business advisor, consultant, clairvoyant and angel healer. Katrina's passion is helping people heal and alleviate pain. She is also a medium to relay messages from those who have passed to loved ones.