Unveiling the Unique Language of Autism: A Journey of Communication and Transformation with the Direction Technique: Read More

Autism: Can the Direction Technique Unlock Its Unique Language?

Autism encompasses a distinct language of its own. The autistic child seeks to be understood by their parents or educators in a language of thought and special awareness, which may differ from the language spoken by their parents. The Direction Technique introduces a groundbreaking approach to communication, allowing parents to learn their child's language—the language of autism. This multidimensional language explains why autistic children require their own space, as each child's experience is unique. Some may use spoken language, while others rely on non-verbal forms of communication.

Remarkably, certain autistic children display behaviors that border on genius. They grace our world to impart new knowledge and understanding.

Exploring Autism and the Journey of Teleportation: Uncovering Unique Realms

The restless nature of the autistic child often manifests as multidimensional behavior, where being in one place at one time becomes challenging. The concept of teleportation offers a way to engage with these children by thinking in a multidimensional manner, bridging the gap and reaching out to them.

The Direction Technique harnesses the power of teleportation to forge a new way of connecting with autistic children. One valuable tool is learning how to teleport and communicate with these special children who possess a natural ability to communicate beyond conventional language.

Autistic children find solace in their own holographic realms—a structured energy current that differs from our everyday existence. These holograms serve as gateways to alternate dimensions, where autistic children often dwell.

The Direction Technique empowers parents to access these realms, to understand their child and facilitate their return to everyday life through the activation of the endocrine system. By heightening awareness of the body, this technique helps children align their glands and unlock their innate potential.

An extension of the Direction Technique is Dolphin Energy Healing, where the connection between the dolphin's skin and the autistic child brings about profound joy. Through happiness, these children learn and grow. The autistic child forms a unique bond with the dolphins and communicates with them. I have personally witnessed improvements in speech and awareness through this incredible interaction. The Direction Technique acts as a facilitator of these joyous connections. Swimming with dolphins becomes the ultimate act of healing for the child.

Supporting Autism and Reducing Stress: Early Intervention and Emotional Connection

Once the autistic child feels safe and understood, their need for constant attention diminishes, and they feel heard and loved. The child absorbs the stress of those around them, necessitating educators and parents to be vigilant and adapt their approach accordingly. Recognizing the early signs allows for adjustments that fill the emotional void within the child, enabling them to express their needs. Early intervention is crucial in preventing the onset of obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Parents and educators may experience moments of stress and frustration as they strive to support these children. It is important to acknowledge their unwavering love and extend compassion towards them. By embracing a different perspective and understanding, parents and educators can develop effective teaching strategies and create meaningful connections with their children.

I have had the privilege of facilitating healing for an autistic child when the parents participated in the dolphin course, which taught them how to comprehend the multidimensional language of autism. As a result, the child experienced improvements in mathematics. Additionally, I design personalized learning programs for children, individuals with special needs, and adults, allowing them to continue learning with dolphins in the future.

The new generation of children possesses innate multidimensional abilities, skillfully navigating a world intertwined with modern technology, where teleportation is a part of everyday life.

I have observed that some autistic children's nervous systems become calm when they are near or immersed in the blue-green expanse of the ocean. These children respond positively to change when they feel safe, trusted, and acquire techniques to strengthen their energetic boundary beyond their physical bodies. By controlling their energy field, they can more easily engage with the world around them.

Medical Intuitive CASE STUDY: AUTISM - A Teleportation Journey to Awakening

During my international work, I witnessed a young man’s autistic child speak for the first time in four years. John had wanted me to help his son speak. Using the Direction Technique we refined the teleportation skill then we were able to communicate with his autistic son. John discovered how to visualize his son on his knee. He found that teleporting was an easy way to understand how to communicate with his son. I asked John what he wanted to tell his son. He replied, “Wake up, son.” The response was funny. I heard this message by using my teleportation skills with his son. John’s son said, “I am already awake. You wake up, Dad. I have the genius gene.” (We later discovered that the father might have had slight systems of repetitive behaviour as a child.) He suddenly released a lot of grief.

I also told this man, “Don’t be surprised if another young energy is surrounding you and your wife.” One week later, John told me that his son spoke for the first time in four years and his wife just told him she was pregnant. 

To read more about Developing Intuitive Abilities in Children, I have documented more case studies and knowledge for parents to understand how their children communicate and how the parent can understand subtle energies can heal their children in my book, "Focus for Direction- How to sEld Heal and find Your Own Answers