A New Way of Treating a Virus: Discover More

A new technique of treating viruses through a breakthrough energy healing, “Direction Technique” founded by Katrina Jean Taylor.

  1. The first step is to understand that a person’s thought patterns affects the body’s immune system.

  2. Viruses such as influenza, shingles, chicken pox and herpes have sounds in the body.

  3. These viruses can be treated through sound vibration which is the new energy healing called Direction Technique.

  4. Some viruses including Zika and HIV, have no sounds which make them so dangerous

  5. Viruses thrive in large groups of people where the collective group thinking is negative

  6. Negative thinking in a group weakens the immune system, which makes individuals vulnerable to a virus.

  7. The new way of treating the virus is for the individual to think for themselves in a positive way, which gets them out of the influences of the negative collective.

  8. With positive thoughts and beliefs about yourself, the body builds its own natural resistance to the virus, which strengthens in the body.

  9. Viruses are not going anywhere. They are weakening the bodies' immune systems, making them susceptible to bacteria entering the body, then the excessive use of antibiotics are losing their efficiency.

  10. Now the language around the virus moves from “attack, fight, against, defend” to a positive new way of language and talking which is one of “adapting, co-existing, harmony”. With this new language, individuals change their behavior and actions which positively influences homes, schools, work, communities, relationships, cities, the world and ultimately the overall collective moves to one of co-existing with each other in peace..

  11. The tool to create all this change, is the new breakthrough energy healing called the “Direction Technique,” which is documented with case studies in Katrina Jean Taylor's book "Focus for Direction."

Every Virus Has a Sound

Every virus has a sound once it enters the body and I have the ability to hear it.Viruses including those that have a sound are shingles, herpes, influenza, but the viruses of HIV and Zika, don’t have a sound that makes them so dangerous.

Living in Harmony with the Virus

How do we learn to live in harmony with the virus? The answer lies in sound vibration. Each virus has a unique sound in the body and these sounds travel in different pathways in the body, depending on the virus.

The virus is not going anywhere. We can live in harmony with the virus and have a choice if a virus enters into our body.  

We are moving our mind-set (individuals thoughts, beliefs, thinking patterns and beliefs), changing our perceptions, beliefs and the way we think and feel. Instead of fighting the virus, we can learn to live side by side, or together with the virus.

The Direction Technique teaches you how to make the sounds that heal the virus and educates you which sound you need to harmonize the body to help in the treatment in the virus.

Where Viruses Move in the Body

The Herpes virus, lodges at the base of spine, in the connective tissue, and when dormant is enclosed by the perimeter of the spine. Its tone (similar to that produced by certain parasites) resembles munching, a sort of crunching or scraping sound that grates on the nerves.

The Herpes virus, prevalent to many societies and been part of our existence for lifetimes has adapted to living inside the human body, but so has the thinking of the human mind-set, both have their own thoughts that are intelligent and they live together. I have observed the symptoms of the adapted herpes display unusual outbreaks, different from the common herpes symptoms.

It may be something to ponder. What if the Herpes virus may be in the world to protect immune systems from being influenced from other viruses?

In the virus course I train the human ear to hear the sounds of shingles, herpes, AIDS, and influenza, as well to track the pathway the virus takes in the body.

For certain viruses I see the final exit point out of the body is in the “eye”. I see the iris of the human eye dilate in size. At the time the virus exits the body, depending on the client, I see the colour of the eye change suddenly, then reverts back to the natural color.

The influenza virus hides in the lungs (in the arterioles), and its tone is that of a drum being beaten loudly. Because the sound is similar to that of the heart beating, you must be careful not to confuse the viral tone with the pulse of the body’s circulation system.

But in the case of the Zika and AIDS/HIV they have no sound and the pathway is uncontrolled in the body and goes everywhere.  They lay dormant in the back of the neck, which makes sense because people don’t see from behind. The virus lurks at the top of the spine, around the level of the third vertebra (the etheric field of mistrust), where it maintains a constant spinning motion. From there, it can move outwards to many other parts of the body without any apparent rhyme or reason. Often, too, it hides in pockets behind the eyes.

The viruses that have no sounds can be life threatening. 

The Direction Technique

The Direction Technique also helps recognise mass consciousness of energy that weakens the body and the immune system, becomes vulnerable and open to portal fields. People need to understand the energy around and outside of the body can get disrupted and weaken, allowing a virus to enter a body.

People tend to always go to the past. That is important to understand but now is the time for a new era of adding the need to see your future, so the emphasis needs to change the mind-set on the past to live a full life today and change the mind-set to also go to the future which is new, to fully to enjoy our present life.

The Direction Technique brings whole new additional knowledge and it’s simple. It gives you tools to be able to look into the future and use that knowledge to help us create what we want in our life today.

Then you need to understand what the collective beliefs around you that have weakened your bodies systems to allow that virus to come in. This is where the treatment of the virus begins. I objectively look at collective beliefs. I change how I operate within that collective group.