Strengthen Your Glands.

New Way of Understanding a Virus

To adapt to new strains of viruses and strengthen your immune system, it is essential to vibrate energy into your glands. The pineal, pituitary, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and reproductive glands must adjust and regulate efficiently. This process boosts your immunity, reducing the risk of feeling the effects of a virus. If you do encounter a virus, your body's intelligence is activated to fight it. When your body, mind, and systems work in harmony, your intuitive senses heighten, enabling you to evolve and expand your future intuitive capabilities.


Ancient intuitive senses have been maturing for centuries, and it is imperative for these senses to advance, especially given current planetary changes. The changing gravity and force of energy affect people's stability, influenced by collective thoughts. A weakened mind, influenced by negative collective energy, can weaken your body and immune system, attracting viruses. Our psychic senses need activation to help our glands adapt to new viruses.

The new way of energy healing, which uses intuitive energy, is called the Direction Technique™. By training energy, you can shift belief systems out of the collective conscious, providing a clear positive space to see clearly, lessen confusion, clean energy, and gain clarity.

Be Yourself in a Group

Changing negative behaviors and strengthening your thinking builds confidence and allows you to show your true self in a group. Shifting negative perceptions about yourself, your environment, and the world boosts natural protective immunity, strengthens your sense of self, and helps you thrive even in potentially damaging collective beliefs. Negativity, uncertainty, or fear of the unknown can make you vulnerable to disease, especially viruses.

The Direction Technique™ shifts belief systems out of the collective conscious, providing a clear positive space to see clearly, lessen confusion, clean energy, and gain clarity. Four years ago, clients displayed persistent coughing and inability to eat for months. I knew I was adapting my intuitive senses to new virus strains, preparing my immune system. After being sick for nearly a year, I was preparing for my future.

Strengthen Your Immune System

My immune system now works immediately. My thymus, pituitary, adrenal, pineal, pancreas, thyroid, and reproductive glands work in harmony. I can adapt, change perceptions, and know which beliefs to change. By training your energy with positive affirmations and a positive mindset, your intuitive senses align with your body and mind, creating clean energy. Your brain develops neuronal pathways, connecting the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems, bringing peace, positivity, and good health.

Intuitive senses, such as gut feeling, hearing, knowing, and sensing, have been lost over time. They need attention now. The young generation is aware of the colors that heal, used by ancient healers for emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages. Training your intuitive senses develops unique skills, like using sound vibration to heal cells. Directing harmonic sounds into your body helps weakened cells accept healing.

Ancient Healing Sound Vibration

Focusing on training energy reveals ancient healing vibrations. You'll understand how directed heat can heal cells and learn ancient methods of transferring illness out of the body into a solid form, like rock or ice. Healing past trauma and prolonged grief allows you to adapt, change, and notice your intuitive development.

How Does the Direction Technique™ Help?

The Direction Technique™ taps into the body's natural ability to strengthen itself using new intuitive energy healing. This technique enhances your sense of self, mind, and body through positive thoughts and beliefs about yourself and the world. By tapping into the intuitive energy stored in your glands, you elevate your energy to a higher frequency, allowing the body to create natural, healthy ways to heal. Over time, this strengthens the immune system and reduces the impact of viruses and diseases.

By using the Direction Technique™, you can harness your intuitive energy to create a healthier, more resilient body and mind. Start your journey to profound transformation and discover the incredible healing potential within you.

Katrina Jean Taylor